Thursday, February 14, 2013

The past two weeks...

Since I didn't get to my weekly wrap up last week, I'm going to combine the last two!  I'll try not to make it too long ;) and just hit some highlights!

Here's our great new map that I mentioned in my last post.  I saw it at my friend's house a few weeks ago and loved it.  Then another blogger mentioned it was on clearance at Bed Bath and Beyond! Yeah!  Ours had three left.  The kids loved it and Rex is already picking up continents quickly!

  He keeps climbing up and making the airplane fly to new places.

I was gone one morning and came home to our living room turned into a beautiful 'cathedral' - dedicated to the Holy Family as you can see on the picture on the right.

 Here we were praying our family rosary in the cathedral and baby playing Mass (singing Alleluia with the bible).

Definitely one of my favorites from last week.  I walked in the school room to find this!! Loved it!

Rex  enjoys using these playdoh mats to do his letter of the week from

 Tot with his new Busy Hands playdoh box.

One special tray - that messy special tray that is always the favorite of every child when it appears.... our Tot saw it for the first time last week and he was in love.   Pouring rice (dyed green from our rainforest sensory bin) from a juice bottle, through the funnel..and now for the excitement....into a bowl. Yes, a bowl...can't get much better than that! Had you on the edge of your seats, huh? :)  Even though this one seems so simple, it's hours of fun (for all the brothers!)!

 ...and fun is also had in sweeping up the extra rice that doesn't fall on the tray!

Captain started an online class last week (a first for us here).  It's the Lego Club for Homeschoolers.  It's Mondays from 4-5 pm through Currclick - and it's free!  We were just handed down TONS of Legos and I'm so grateful!  He logs on and watches his teacher live and she gives them her designs.  This month is Ancient China and they watched a little about the Great Wall, then built it!  She's been doing this class for over 2 years and you can see every project they've done - they're pretty neat.  He REALLY enjoyed his class and followed along perfectly. 

A rainbow Great Wall!
Momma got a little daring again after seeing a Fun with Shaving Cream pinterest board.  The final outcome didn't work well since we had gel instead of foam, but they sure had fun anyway!

 I told Tot to put his hands up so I could get a picture: :)
 Brothers messy wrestling! *the wrestling never stops here, esp. now that Rex is always wanting to, Captain has a partner!

I hit a clearance sale last weekend and found a brand new shrink wrapped Hooked on Spanish for 1.00!!!  With the 99.99 tag still on!  Love when that happens!  So we started....they think it's more of a game and love it.

Tot is getting so good at his Super Sorting Pie.
He was never able to pinch the tongs before, but finally got it and loves sorting by fruits and colors! (He has most of his colors down now by name :) )

A yummy chocolate chip/starburst rosary for the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes!

We made this neat paper chain for Lent.  Everyday we rip off a chain to say after dinner grace and each has an extra prayer to be said and for what intention.  Ex- tonight was 'say an extra Glory Be for our world leaders'.  Simple.  Also serves as a visual countdown to Easter.

Rex was excited to use Captain's AAS board to do his spelling last night!  Also, he's now earning 'tickets' for getting his sight words correct and 20 tickets equal a Wild Kratt!  He feels so big like his brother! Love it!

 Thanks to Aunt Katie for this never-ending fun Weird and Wacky Contraption Lab - really - they love this thing!  If you notice on the bottom - when the ball falls through the contraption, it's goal is to land on the blue circle and shoot out a pig attached to a rocket across the room - ingenious - who thinks of these things ;)

And now finally maybe my favorite...  today we finally opened Tot's last birthday gifts which just made it here from baba :)  He loved this Melissa and Doug felt food Sandwich Set!  We just kept making sandwiches and naming all the ingredients over and over :)

 ...and some lacing beads from baba that he enjoyed so much!

Saving the best picture for last....onion glasses!

 Little Tot had his surgery on Tuesday and is doing wonderfully!  Praise God!  He looks a little like a movie star with his new, shiny white teeth!  Thank you for all the prayers!

Have a blessed Lent!  

1 comment:

  1. praise God for your very productive weeks. the geography map is my lil' guy's favorite addition to the school day.

    continued prayers for a blessed lenten journey.
