Tuesday, January 29, 2013

March for Life - DC - 2013

We were blessed again this year to travel to our nation's capital to March for LIFE!  They say there were about 500,000 people there!  (Amazing that it gets NO news coverage...but that's another story! Click here for a great 1 min video some seminaries put out.  There are two guys, one pretends to be NFP and one is A Contraceptive! In 1 min they show how MEDIA never covers any of this stuff! They have a few other quick good ones worth checking out! They make me actually laugh out loud!)

Myself and the two littlest ones did not march this year.  We had strep throat and the baby had the croup, so we decided it was best to say in the Smithsonian and wait for dad, Captain and Baba (grandma) to do the walk.

We did enjoy two days of being in the Smithsonian.  Here we are enjoying some of the Museum of Natural History....

 This statue was actually brought from Easter Island!! Amazing...we adults walked by it a few times - it was Captain who said - "Look, one of the statues from Easter Island" - amazing what they learn in books, I have to admit that I don't know where Easter Island is - it's going to be hard keeping up to him!
The kids always enjoy the metro...

The Air and Space Museum...

 The Museum of American history was awesome.  We'd never been here before and only made it through one of the many exhibits.

Tot was enthralled as you can tell... ;)

On Sunday we dropped off baba and had a little birthday party for tot who's already turning 2!  

Thank you God for our little man. 

 We pray for an end to abortion and to heal all those women who have had abortions.  

Our Lady of Guadeloupe, pray for the unborn...

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