Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Apple Pie Tree - preschool lapbook

Well, apple season has been over for awhile now...and we've been done with our apple study for awhile too.  Time sure does go fast.  I've been meaning to blog this one for a few weeks now, so here goes :)

Tot really enjoyed this apple study and lapbook.  I got it from (of course). 

We got the books they recommended out of the library and got to work.

We did various apple printables that I picked up here and there...

roll and graph...

 painting small, medium and large...
 cutting/gluing by size...

 apples/not apples...
 finger apples...

I put together a SUPER simple apple sensory bin (no awards for spectularness here for this one, but he liked it :)  )

 It contains some red water beads (we all love the feel of these) and some little apples.  Yes, that is the USA jello mold.  Why?? Don't ask - the only red container I had :)

 chop sticking the apples into his Super Sorting Pie...

 He wanted to make me an apple pie of course. 

Momma had told him that we would make an apple pie together, but that never we settled for apple cinnamon oatmeal.

We took a field trip to a local apple cider mill and saw the bottling process.

 Rex is doing a Johnny Appleseed lapbook currently so we joined in on his apple taste testing!

I found some Montessori 3 part cards - Parts of an apple.  We enjoyed an apple (or two) together, talked about the parts of it and then the life cycle.

For his lapbook, we took a family apple survey.  This was my favorite part!  I blacked out the names to protect the innocent :)

Red apples totally would have won, but some family threw it over the top for the yellows with their "X 7" - you know who you are!!  I'm still voting red :)

And there you have it!  I guess it's still officially fall, so I squeaked this post in just in time before winter!  

Blessed Advent!

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